We believe in a Generous God who moves us to generosity

A Joyous Report


The history of the Presbytery of San Fernando is one of generosity that has often flowed abundantly from hearts committed to God, weaving a tapestry of connections that has touched lives near and far. As an expression of that during the second part of last year, we also had the opportunity to mark our 55th anniversary by holding the Growing Together in Mission campaign. I am thrilled to share that with the participation of 23 different donors, including 5 New Worshipping Communities, the contributions came to $14,138. But the ripple effect doesn’t end there. With matching funds from our Presbytery, we will have the joy of distributing $28,276 to address urgent needs in our community and beyond!

 One of our primary foci in the last three years has been addressing food insecurity through our partnership with North Valley Caring Services (NVCS). This remarkable partner organization works tirelessly to prevent individuals and families in our region’s most economically disadvantaged community from going hungry. Thanks to the campaign, almost $9,425 will be added to the $15,000 already allocated in our budget to help strengthen NVCS’ vital work of providing nourishment and hope to those in need.

Similarly, we will be able to provide almost $10,000 in support to pastoral leaders within our Presbytery who are on the path toward becoming commissioned or ordained. By participating in their development and education we are investment not only in their future but also in the future of our congregations.

Furthermore, the campaign’s contributions will more than double our level of support to PCUSA Mission Coworkers. In this exciting way, we reaffirm our unity with the Church around the world as it spreads the message of Christ. 

Reflecting on the Growing Together in Mission Campaign, I am more convinced than ever that our congregations’ dedication and the joint impact that we have goes far beyond what we can quantify. During the last 55 years, our faith has made a tangible difference in us and countless others. May that difference continue to motivate us to the type of humble service that we see in Jesus.

Your fellow disciple,


Rev. Dr. Juan J. Sarmiento 

(Executive Presbyter)

A space dedicated to the formation and learning for faithful and innovative ministry in partnership with The Presbytery of San Fernando.