Videos and Training

A part of the Presbytery’s mission is to provide you with the resources necessary to help grow your ministries. Below is a collection of materials you may find useful. Please feel free to peruse our entire library or click on a specific category to narrow down the listed resources.


Sexual Misconduct Training held Saturday, Oct. 22, 2022

Our Presbytery is committed to creating safe spaces for everyone who participates in the life of our churches. Click the “play” arrow to the left in the video graphic to watch the recent training about appropriate sexual boundaries for pastors and commissioned ruling elders and candidates to the ministry under care of the Committe on Preparation for Ministry.


Five Things Ruling Elders Should Know about Reformed Worship by Rev Darren


Pre-Presbytery Meeting (September 2021) A Joint Path Forward


2021 Clerk of Session Training

SESSION REF – A training film

A training film for church leaders and anyone else who wants their meetings to be shorter and more productive.

For a handout with more tips and a guide on how to use this film for leadership training, email: [email protected]

Directed and Produced by Kyle Joachim

A Production of the Presbytery of San Fernando, Los Angeles, CA

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts they live

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