1) Prayer: As we grieve and lament the devastation experienced so many in our city, please continue to pray. Click the button to get a list of some specific requests.

2) Giving:

Our Presbytery is working in close collaboration with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. Their proven expertise in similar situations, both nationally and internationally, is helping us respond in coordination with other Presbyterians in the Los Angeles region and around the country. Because of that, I would like to encourage everyone to contribute to the fund that PDA has set up for the wildfire response.

If you would like to give to come alongside the 25+ families from congregations in the Presbytery who have lost their homes to the fire, visit PSFSupport and use the “Growing Together on Mission” option. You can also contribute by sending a check payable to the Presbytery of San Fernando to 125 S Louise St, Glendale, CA 91205, with a note saying, “Emergency Recovery.”

3) Volunteer
Join one of the many volunteer relief efforts. We encourage people to contact North Valley Caring Services to explore their service opportunities.

Ways To Receive Help:

1) Prayer: If you need prayer, please email us. Our congregations will pray for you.

2) Emergency Supplies: For those who need donated items such as bottled water, food, hygiene kits, masks, coolers, blankets, etc.

Y.M.C.A. – Click here for more information.

LA Food Bank: Click here for a pantry locator.

3) Temporary Housing for those who remain evacuated or have lost their home.

Shelters: Text “SHELTER” and your ZIP code to 43362 for the nearest open shelters. Click here for a list of shelters.

4) Financial Assistance for those who are displaced by the fires, please email Mission Catalyst Wendy Gist. A pastor will follow up with you, and you will be considered for support as funds become available.

Apply for disaster relief. Click here to apply to Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) grants

5) Additional Resources: An extensive list of resources, donations, and volunteer opportunities has been compiled by Mutual Aid LA. You can find it here. We do not have oversight of what is added to this list and cannot vouch for the organizations. However, it does provide a comprehensive set of helpful resources.


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