Vision & Mission

Our Vision

The Presbytery of San Fernando declares that every church within our bounds is a mission center reaching out to a diverse and rapidly changing community and world.

Our Mission

The mission of the Presbytery of San Fernando is to …

  • assure each congregation in San Fernando Presbytery that we will work in partnership with them to assess their present ministry context and address their future direction;
  • identify opportunities for new church developments, specialized ministries and other forms of church development;
  • act as a dynamic presbytery, which is centered in and driven by its mission, calling us to rethink and to change our institutional life.
  • provide coordination for mission in keeping with the Constitution of the PC(USA) and our worldwide commitments that cannot be accomplished by the local congregation alone.

The Presbytery of San Fernando exists to call into mission all the churches of the Presbytery by …

  • empowering congregations in need of redevelopment or revitalization to connect again with their geographical communities and focus on their mission by providing support in leadership development, conflict resolution, and funding resources.
  • embracing the rich ethnic/racial diversity in our Presbytery as a divine call to mission and ministry, primarily to its surrounding community, as well as to the wider world.

Our Goals

  1. Support the increase in the vitality of our congregations considering elements such as membership, leadership, discipleship, stewardship, etc.
  2. Facilitate an increase in the total number of people worshiping with our churches and new worshipping communities (From the current estimate of 4,000).
  3. Promote an increase of the ethnic diversity of our membership. (More than half of the population in our cities and neighborhoods identify their ethnicity as being ‘other than white).

Below is a 2 minute video on the goals for our Presbytery:

Goals for our Presbytery:

Behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts they live

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